Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Serious Problems

There is a serious problem here in FARGO, North Dakota

On the 26th day of January 2007 my civil rights were severely violated when Officer Robert Stanger and Detective Derek Cruff viciously assaulted me in my apartment. After being savagely hit in the back of head and neck no less than 10 and no more than 15 times by Stranger for trying to call an attorney and later 911 (Somehow they mistook my phone for a weapon) even though Stanger was physically ripping it out of my hands as I dialed. They also seemingly mistook my screams for help and crying for being belligerent, and I simply have no clue as to the reason for him putting his foot on my neck and smiling down at me, apparently this is standard police procedure here in Fargo.

The most shocking thing about the Fargo Police department’s use of these Gestapo tactics is how easily they are explained away. To read the Incident Report, you would think that these officers were heroically doing their job as they stoically fought with this violent, ill-tempered black male, who was apparently going for a weapon. This report is rife with inaccuracies, half-truths, and in many instances, outright falsities.

There is an inherent belief in the Fargo and West Fargo Police departments, that if a minority or poor white citizen question’s the legality of the manner in which he is being treated, or ask’s for the protection of his civil rights via attorney, he is being hostile and that gives officer’s carte-blanc to use extreme and in many cases brutal force to make him submissive. God and country given rights are apparently forfeit as we are reduced to the level of subhuman, beast to be beaten and caged, institutionalized and emasculated without so much as an afterthought to the effect this treatment will have on not only the individual, but the family (especially the children who see or hear) of aforementioned individual.

I call upon the good citizens of Fargo, West-Fargo, and the Great State of North Dakota to hold these officers accountable for their actions.
As a community, a city, and a state, we can not only place these departments under national scrutiny, but our combined efforts can hopefully put a stop to assault under color of authority. I ask for your help to help me fight what I believe will be a lengthy but necessary legal battle, the conclusion of which will hopefully shed national light on these atrocities and save your son, brother or father from the degradation I have had to endure.

Certain individuals have the impression that citizens who are not wealthy are not entitled to the same rights as their wealthy counterparts as they will not have the financial means to ensure those rights by way of attorney. As a community I feel that if we pool our resources, we can disprove that concept. You can show your support via mail or e-mail, phone calls of support, or if you have legal expertise in these matters, counsel. You can also contact me if you have an account of a similar incident. Donations for legal fees would be greatly appreciated. Phone calls to your Attorney General informing him of your disproval of the use of these tactics will go a long way toward changing the intolerant culture of these departments.

Mailing address: 401 8thave NW W.Fargo ND
Phone #:701-367-0881

If you have had a similar incident here are some important numbers to have

National NAACP:(877)-622-2798
Police Complaints:(202)-359-6406
Coord, Review Center: (888)-848-5306
ND State Confrence: (218)-730-5002
American Bar: (1800)-215-1190

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow this is unreal anyone elese as concerned as i am

March 16, 2007 at 2:31 PM

Blogger Someone that Cares said...

Yes I am very concerned. Way to much corruption amongst the very individuals that are counted on to protect us! Huh?
I saw an earlier blog that was sent by an anonymous person who made himself sound like a COMPLETE ID10T! He said if this man would have shut up and done what the police told him, this wouldn't have happened. BS Every day all across the nation, the ACLU is called on to defend all of the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

My question to Leon is Have you contacted the ACLU? Your civil rights have been totally violated!

November 23, 2007 at 11:30 AM


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